Orcish Empire

Warten auf 1.13
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Author:  OgerEli [ Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Warten auf 1.13

Nathan L from Blizzard Entertainment posted on blizzard forums that with the end of testing on the 1.10 Diablo 2 patch coming, more of their testers will be able to test 1.13 for our beloved warcraft.
So it looks like there will be a patch between now and 2 months or so instead of now and 2 years :p
[Quelle: http://www.wc3addicts.com/news.php?action=viewnewspost&nid=375

eab:Should we expect Diablo2 1.10 this week?
GFraizer: We haven't announce when it will be released, but you can guess that it's VERY soon based on the beta closing and the recent rust storm warning.
[Quelle: http://www.battle.net/forums/thread.aspx?FN=d2-general&T=422648&P=1&ReplyCount=37#post422648

Q u o t e:
Attention Kali People: Diablo II 1.10
Posted by: Nebuchadnezzar on October 24th, 2003 @ 2:59PM
Diablo II 1.10 is going to have this new ladder play with more challenging play + a new economy. If you're interested in playing it with us when the patch comes out, make sure your account is clear for creating new characters and you know what you'll be picking. We'll put the channel locations in the MOTD for IRC + War3 MOTD. We of course play on US West.
[Quelle: http://www.battle.net/forums/thread.aspx?FN=d2-general&T=425760&P=1&ReplyCount=4#post425760]

Author:  kjuti [ Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

2 monate können ne verdammt lange zeit sein, wenn man sich täglich mit abusern aller art rumschlagen muss :/

Author:  Sirhc [ Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos & The Frozen Throne Patch Update
Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Now that the Diablo II 1.10 patch is available on Battle.net, the next Warcraft III update, patch 1.13, has gone into the final stages of testing. The patch will include many significant additions, including Acts II and III of the Orc Campaign, several new World Editor features, updates to many of the maps, and numerous balance adjustments. We expect it to be released in the next few weeks. Prior to the patch’s release, we will also be changing the lineup of maps currently available for ladder play.

In addition to the patch, we will also be releasing the art tools used for Warcraft III. These tools will allow advanced users to create and implement new art in the game, adding an unprecedented level of customization.

As always, we thank you for your patience and support.

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